Foundation Store: come in and browse
The Foundation for the Equestrian Arts
is a 501c3 organization created to preserve, promote and share the pre-revolutionary, non-competitive art of French classical horsemanship.
“All horses are waiting for signs of intelligent human life….let us try not to disappoint them.”
~Craig Patrick Stevens
About Classical Equitation
Equitation as an art form, a means of expressing the beauty of the connection between one individual rider and one individual horse, has a long and rich history. Many trainers across time have written and spoken eloquently of this peaceful conversation. Those old voices are fading behind the clamor of new methods. Ancient ways of interacting with the horse are at risk of disappearing entirely. This old form of equitation is well worth preserving, as it connects us both to the brilliance of the individual horse, and to the human mind and heart in balance.The Foundation for the Equestrian Arts was formed to preserve those old voices. The Foundation also exists to provide support for contemporary trainers and their students working in the classical lineage that was the height of the art before the French revolution.
We invite you to become a member in the Foundation. We welcome you to join our students from across the world in preserving this beautiful form of communication between horse and rider.
Education for Teachers and Trainers: In depth programs
The Equine artists in residence: the training program Horse Training
Clinics on Classical Equitation: Work in HandMediterranean
Publications and Educational materials: coming soon!